
The Society

Established in 2015

The Society was formed in September 2015 with the organising committee as founding members. We are a voluntary organisation aiming to promote the safety and teaching in minimally invasive techniques in Cardiac Surgery.

The scope of the society will be to:
1. Hold an annual meeting

2. Develop training through membership and fellowship schemes.

3. Work with industry to co-ordinate surgical techniques with newer technologies.


Toufan Bahrami

Harefield Hospital

Past Presidents:  

Joseph Zacharias

Blackpool Victoria Hospital

Tony De Souza 

Royal Brompton Hospital

Steve Hunter 

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals

Steering Committee:

Ranjit Deshpande
Kings College Hospital
Paul Modi
Liverpool Heart Hospital
Max Baghai
Kings College Hospital
Educational & Research Secretary
Hunaid Vohra
Bristol Royal Informary
Website Secretary

Ishtiaq Ahmed
Royal Sussex County Hospital 
BISMCS Registry Secretary               

Enoch Akowuah
South Tees Hospital 

Advisory Committee Members:

Inder Birdi - Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals

Franco Ciulli - Bristol Royal Infirmary

Clinton Lloyd - University Hospitals Plymouth

Mike Tolan - Blackrock Clinic, Dublin

Roberto Casula - Hammersmith Hospital

Renzo Pessotto - Edinburgh Royal Infirmary

Lognathen Balacumaraswami - Royal Stoke University Hospital

Rashmi Yadav - Royal Brompton Hospital

Vassilios Avlonitis - Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital

Gianluca Lucchese - Guy's and St. Thomas' Hospital

Selvaraj Shanmuganathan - Liverpool Heart Hospital

Grzegorz Laskawski - Blackpool Victoria Hospital

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